Early stages of gum disease involve relatively mild symptoms like red, swollen gums. However, as the condition progresses to periodontitis, more problematic issues arise, one of which is pockets that develop as the gums pull away from the teeth. Healthy gums, on the other hand, sit tight against the teeth, providing a solid attachment.
Periodontal pockets allow disease-causing bacteria to collect and multiply, causing additional problems in the mouth.
These pockets can become very deep, making it difficult to clean them thoroughly with typical oral hygiene techniques, meaning that a significant number of bacteria are left in the recesses. In such cases, a periodontist will attempt a deep cleaning to rid the pockets of the bacteria.
By eliminating the spaces where bacteria can gather, pocket depth reduction helps to reduce the negative effects of gum disease.
If the initial deep cleaning is ineffective and the pockets persist, the next step is pocket depth reduction. This process involves lowering the gumline and surgically excising diseased tissue. It may also necessitate a reshaping of the jawbone underneath.
Pocket depth reduction surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting with the patient receiving local anesthesia, along with sedation when desired.
By eliminating the spaces where bacteria can gather, pocket depth reduction helps to reduce the negative effects of gum disease. If the bacteria were left to reproduce unchecked, the eventual outcome might be tooth and bone loss.
As such, pocket depth reduction can preserve a smile’s appearance in addition to improving oral health.
Pocket depth reduction is certainly a beneficial tool in the fight against gum disease, but patients must take further steps to keep their gums in good condition. For patients with a history of periodontal disease, regular brushing and flossing is essential, as are routine checkups and professional cleanings at the dental office.
If you or your dentist have noticed deep pockets in your gums, consult with our team of experienced and professional periodontists serving New York City to learn more about treatment options that are available to you. Pocket depth reduction surgery can prevent future problems resulting from advanced gum disease. Call 212-756-8890 for additional information and to schedule your consultation.