When is Oral Conscious Sedation an Option?

shutterstock_71957608Most of us are fully aware of our personal limitations. This is especially true when it comes to our comfort level in the dental office. Without access to sedation dentistry and compatible anesthetic options, many patients would avoid dental care due to high anxiety and fear.

These concerns are understandable and quite common, which is precisely why our periodontists offers oral conscious sedation in conjunction with prescribed dental procedures. Oral conscious sedation may be right for you if you have no undisclosed medical conditions and you are able to swallow a small pill on your own.

Within moments of swallowing the prescribed pill or tablet, most patients experience a sense of calmness and serenity that makes it easier to settle into the dental chair. This form of sedation is considered mild, though it does produce a slight amnesiac effect. Typically, patients are able to remain awake throughout the dental visit, although they will have limited memories of the procedure at the end of the appointment.

As a component of your treatment plan, oral conscious sedation is an option if you have a history of moderate to extreme dental anxiety, if you are particularly nervous about the proposed dental procedure, or if an exceptionally long appointment has been planned. It’s a safe way to ease the fears of most anxious patients, and it has been well-accepted due to its safe and predictable results.

This form of sedation dentistry is the choice alternative for millions of dental patients because it is relatively inexpensive, easy to administer, easy to tolerate, and has virtually no undesirable side-effects. It is safe to use oral sedation along with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and local anesthetics, if necessary. Ultimately, these medications can be used to ensure that you experience a safe, stress-free, and pain-free dental visit.

There is no longer a need to postpone or ignore your dental needs due to fear or anxiety. With sedation dentistry, your periodontist can help you to enjoy valuable dental care that is safer and more effective than you ever imagined.

Call the office of Drs. Edward Gottesman and Susan Karabin at 212-756-8890 to find out more today.

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