It’s okay to feel a little anxious prior to a dental procedure. In fact, that level of anxiety or apprehension can rise significantly when the planned dental procedure involves periodontal surgery or dental implant surgery. Fortunately, the dental environment has changed tremendously in recent history, and most patients are finding that they can appreciate the movement towards comfort, high technology, pain-free dentistry, and relaxation.
In this new and more welcoming environment, there are a number of safe and predictable solutions for both pain management as well as anxiety management. A growing number of dental patients are choosing IV sedation dentistry to ensure that they feel and remember very little from their dental procedures.
With IV (intravenous sedation), the appropriate medications can be administered quickly and efficiently. Within moments, your worries will melt away and you’ll be able to enjoy a deep and relaxing sleep even as you receive the highest level of dental care.
Within moments, your worries will melt away and you’ll be able to enjoy a deep and relaxing sleep even as you receive the highest level of dental care.
Not all dental procedures will require this depth of sedation. Some simple procedures can be performed with only local anesthesia (numbing the teeth and gums in the area that is to be treated). For these procedures, you can expect to remain fully awake and alert, with the capability to drive yourself to and from your appointment.
For more extensive procedures, surgical procedures, and for those patients who are simply too stressed to tolerate the dental visit, the more profound IV sedation is recommended. You will need to be accompanied by a trusted adult driver to ensure that you arrive home safely. During the planned procedure, you will be under the care of a professionally trained dental team, led by a certified and experienced periodontist.
Under the influence of the sedatives, you may feel groggy or sleepy throughout the day, but you will remain relaxed with only the vague memory of your treatment.
Your options for all levels of sedation and pain management will be discussed during your initial treatment consultation, with your safety and comfort remaining as the highest priorities.